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I’m Madison, and I am so happy you’re here. I am a Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and a Certified Personal Trainer with a huge passion for helping women feel amazing, find balance in their lives and most of all learn to love themselves for who they are at this very moment all while achieving their health and wellness goals.

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 More about me

My health and wellness journey began when I was only 13 years old. I had many things occurring within my body that lead me to a holistic approach of healing. It was through many positive changes in my food, lifestyle, mindset, movement and exercise I was able to heal and enjoy everyday to the fullest. After experiencing all that I have over many years I truly gained a loving for helping empower women and guide them in making positive changes in their lives. In 2016 I became a NASM Certified Personal Trainer and a Precision Nutrition Coach. After being in the wellness industry for a few years, I knew I wanted to further my education leading

me to attend The Institute of Integrative Nutrition in March of 2018. It is here I learned many things including innovative coaching methods, practical lifestyle management techniques and over 100 dietary theories including; paleo, raw, vegan, gluten free, and Ayurvedic just to name a few. After attending IIN for a year I became a Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach. My education has equipped me with extensive knowledge in holistic nutrition and health coaching allowing me to work with clients in making health and lifestyle changes to produce real and lasting results.