5 E A S Y ways to eat mindfully around the holidays

With the holidays being just around the corner I wanted to give y’all some EASY tips and tricks on how to stay on track even during the holiday season 🤗

Lets face it, some people can get WAYYYY off track during the holidays which typically starts with overindulging with all the delicious yummy food. When this happens a lot of people can get discouraged and down on themselves which then leads to negative self talk (which we all know doesn’t lead to anything good) and then people sometimes just don’t know how to get back on track. Well I am here to tell you today Girlfriend, it DOES NOT have to be that way!

The Holidays are meant to be a special, sweet and sentimental time of year and YES that includes eating all of the yummy foods you enjoy! So, I am here to give you 5 super EASY ways to stay mindful and still ENJOY the holidays including the YUMMY delicious food!

  1. Pay attention to your portions! Yes I know the food is delicious and you want to eat it and that is TOTALLY OKAY! Just don’t go over board on how much you put on your plate! Be mindful of that!

  2. Stay in check with your fullness cues! I know sometimes the food is just SO SO yummy and delicious you can get carried away and not even know when you’re actually full because it all taste wonderful! So, make a commitment to yourself to stay in check with fullness! If your fullness cues start to tap you on the shoulder, then put your utensils down and wait about 15-20 minutes and see how you feel after that!

  3. EAT SLOWLY!! Put your fork down between every bite if you can, and actually Chew your food!! This will help you stay in check with your fullness cues AND it will help you digest your food more efficiently as well!

  4. Stay aware and mindful of how many finger foods you are consuming! Finger foods and Appetizers can be very easy to overindulge on because most of the time you don’t have a plate and you’re just walking by and grabbing a few here and there. Just keep in mind those little grabs over time can start to add up, so stay aware of how many and how much you’re consuming.

  5. DRINK YOUR WATER!! As you all know from my very first Blog Post I am a HUGE believer and advocate on Drinking Your Water EVERY SINGLE DAY!! SO, keep this in mind during the holidays as well! Especially if you’re eating things you don’t typically eat such as Gluten, Diary, Corn, etc. Make sure you’re getting your water in! It will help you’re body digest your food better and it will also help your body to flush after eating all the delicious food!

SO, bottom line is you totally CAN enjoy all of the delicious Holiday Foods AND be mindful at the same time! As a Health Coach and Personal Trainer I want you to enjoy the Holiday Season with your family and friends and enjoy all of that delicious food that you probably only eat once or twice a year! BUT, I also want you to be mindful and stay in check with your body! ✨

I hope all of that is helpful! Drop a comment below and let me know what your FAVORITE Holiday Meal or Dish is!!

If you’re interest in having Me as your Health Coach and/or Personal Trainer, be sure to head to the CONTACT page and fill out the Contact Form and receive a FREE Health Consultation so we can discover what Blonde Wellness Program is best for YOU!

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I hope you all have a wonderful Holiday Season filled with peace, love, joy and light!

Be well and keep blooming babes ✨
