This Oil smells like the H O L I D A Y S

Happy Monday Babes!

Today I am SO excited to share with you one of my FAVORITE Holiday Oils by dōTERRA called Holiday Joy!!

Holiday Joy is a special oil that dōTERRA releases just around the Holidays because it truly gets you in the H O L I D A Y spirit! ❄️⛄️🌲

Holiday Joy is a Blend of Siberian Fir, Wild Orange, Clove Bud, Cinnamon Bark, Cassia, Douglas Fir, Nutmeg and Vanilla! So basically ALL THINGS Holiday 🤗 I absolutely LOVE this oil especially during the holiday season because it uplifts the mood in my home all while making it smell like a holiday wonderland!✨

Another beautiful thing about this oil is not only does it smell amazing, but it also purifies and freshens the air in your home AND you also receive the amazing benefits of each oil that is in the blend when you use it! Using Essential Oils like this during the Holiday Season is SO much BETTER for you and your home over lighting Holiday Candles (and candles year around in general) because A LOT (not all) but A LOT of Candles are FULL of Toxic chemicals, dyes and fragrances that are Harmful to you, your body and your home!

My top 2 F A V O R I T E ways to use this oil is; ONE, Diffusing it throughout my home and TWO, applying it to my clothing, coats and scarves to keep the Holiday Joy with me even when I am not at home! 🌟

It TRULY is such a wonderful oil to have around during this time of year, which is why I am SO EXCITED to be doing a G I V E A W A Y for a 5 mL bottle of this amazing oil on my INSTAGRAM page! SO, friends if you’re not following me already head over that way and give my page a follow @blondewellness, and follow all the steps on the post so you can enter to W I N ✨

I will be picking a winner for this wonderful oil on Friday 11/22/2019 at 12pm EST 💕

Be sure to drop a comment below if you LOVE the Holiday Season and tell me your FAVORITE thing to do this time of year, and follow me on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @blondewellness 🌸

Be well and keep blooming babes!
