WATER, WATER and more WATER // 5 Tips to get your Water in EVERYDAY!


Did you know that about 60% of our body is made up of water?? Thats right 60 PERCENT!! Crazy right?!

For the past 7 years I have been super dedicated to drinking my water every single day and let me tell you it definitely makes a difference!! One of my favorite things to do every morning is to start my day with 24 to 32 oz of water before I eat anything. It is so refreshing and cleansing for the body; it helps wake up your digestive tract and cleanses out your liver and toxins from your body allowing it to process things more efficiently for the day. Now, aside from drinking 24 to 32 ounces of water first thing in the morning, one of my goals every day is to drink at least half of my body weight in ounces of water EVERY DAY! (Honestly I try to drink more than that, but that’s just me personally) I know this may sound like a lot or be a little overwhelming at first, but I promise once you start making an effort to do it every day you’ll realize how much BETTER and REFRESHED you will feel!!

Here are 5 tips and tricks you try to get your water dosage in every single day!!

Number 1: Like I mentioned above start your day out with a glass or two of water every morning before you eat ANYTHING! I like to drink about 25% of half my body weight in water first thing in the morning! That number will be different for everyone, but very easy to calculate. (body weight / 2 = half body weight, half body weight / 4 = 25% in ounces for the morning)

Number 2: Get a good insulated water bottle and take it with you EVERYWHERE you can! One of my favorite brands is Takeya! They are super cute and affordable! Not only that but they work wonderfully!

Number 3: If you have trouble keeping track of how much water you’ve had for the day, I totally get it! One of my favorite things to do is put rubber bands or hair ties around my water bottle, and as I finish one bottle I remove one hair tie or rubber band! It works wonderfully, so by the end of the day you know how much water you’ve had for the day!

Number 4: If you’re not a fan of using rubber bands or hair ties around your bottle to keep track of how much water you’ve drank for the day, I totally get it! Another great option is to set multiple reminders on your phone throughout the day to help remind you to drink your water!!

Number 5: Have some grace with yourself! ✨ When you go from not having but a few glasses of water a day to trying to have a whole lot more than that.. it may take a couple days, or a week, or two to get in the groove with it. But I promise as long as your intentional and dedicated to it, you’ll get there! 🙂

I hope all of that is helpful! Drop a comment and let me know if you try it or if you have any questions!

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Be well and keep blooming,

