One of my FAVORITE baking mix companies

Hi friends! I hope you’re doing absolutely wonderful! 🤗

Today I wanted to share with you one of my go-to companies I love to use for baked goods and that company is Simple Mills! ✨

I have been using this company for almost 4 years now, and I truly believe it is absolutely W O N D E R F U L especially if you have food sensitivities or allergies and want/need to stay away from things like gluten, dairy, corn, soy, refined sugars, and artificial sweeteners! That is actually one of the main reasons I start using this company in May of 2016 was because I was able to finally find something that I could eat with having food sensitivities.

So, because I love this company so much I wanted to share my TOP 3 FAVORITE baking mixes with you!

  1. My personal top favorite is definitely their Pumpkin Muffin and Bread Mix! This is one of the very first mixes I used by them and it is absolutely wonderful! The ingredients are super duper clean and its free of gluten, dairy, corn, soy, refined sugars, and artificial sweeteners which is a definite win in my book!

  2. One of my other favorites is there Chocolate Muffin and Cake mix! I have had it both ways as a Chocolate Muffin and a Chocolate Cake and they are both wonderful! Again this mix is free of gluten, dairy, corn, soy, refined sugars and artificial sweeteners as well! This mix is honestly such a great option if you want to make a birthday cake or just a cake for a special occasion and still want it to have clean ingredients, but you’re maybe crunched for time to make it from scratch, this would definitely be a w o n d e r f u l alternative! 👏

  3. Lastly, out of my TOP 3 FAVS from Simple Mills, their Artisan Bread Mix definitely takes the win! You can make this mix into a Loaf, Flat Bread or Rolls which is absolutely AWESOME! I have made it into each one of those over the past almost 4 years and I have to say that the Rolls are definitely my favorite by far!

The reason I wanted to share this with you today is because I know Food Allergies and Food Sensitivities are a very real thing in todays society, and I know what it’s like to want to have some baked goods that you don’t have to always make from scratch and that actually taste good! So needless to say, I truly do love this company and what they stand for! Not only do they cater to people with food sensitivities and allergies, but the ingredients are super super clean! 🌟

They do make plenty of other products besides MY TOP 3 FAVS! They have things like Banana Bread and Muffin Mix, Vanilla Cupcake and Cake Mix which is wonderful, Pizza Dough which is awesome as well, Pancake and Waffle Mix which is great, Multiple different types of Almond Flour Crackers which are delicious. The only ones I have not had out of the Almond Flour Crackers are the Farmhouse Cheddar ones because I don’t do dairy. They also have Sprouted Seed Crackers which are very good, and lastly they have multiple kinds of Soft Baked and Crunchy Cookies that are already made and ready to eat. I will say if you like to stay away from Cane Sugar, their products that contain chocolate chips do have cane sugar in them because the chocolate chips are sweetened with cane sugar.

I truly hope this is something that will be helpful for to not only people who want to have cleaner ingredients when having baked goods, but also for those that want/need to have an alternative if you have food allergies or sensitivities! Now I will say, please keep in mind that this is still considered processed food even though the ingredients are very few + clean. If you can I always encourage people to make things from scratch as much as possible so you are consuming less processed foods; however, I know life happens and sometimes you need something that is a little bit quicker and easier for you, so this would be a great option for those times!

Side Note, if you aren’t sure where to start with purchasing Simple Mill Products they are sold at any health food store such as Whole Foods, Sprouts or Earth Fare; however, I know Publix can sell them as well! Or if you wanted to purchase them online you can purchase their products direct from Simple Mills or you can purchase them on Vitacost as well!

If you have any questions for me please drop it in the comments below, I would be happy to answer any you may have! 💕

Also, if you haven’t already be sure to sign up for my NEWSLETTER below 👇 and follow me on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter @blondewellness ✨

And lastly, if all of this is brand new to you and you really need some direction and guidance in helping you reach your Health + Wellness + Fitness goals be sure to schedule a One Hour Wellness Clarity Call with me so I can help give you some actions steps to take so you can FINALLY start achieving your goals in this New Year of 2020!! Just head to my CONTACT PAGE and fill out the form and we can get one scheduled!! Click HERE to get started! 💫

I hope you have a wonderful rest of your week babe! 🌸

As always be well + bloom ✨ xx

Madison ✨