My 3 FREE TIPS to stay on track with your goals in 2020!

New Year, New you??


I hope you had a wonderful New Years! In honor of not only this New Year, but also this Brand New Decade I wanted to give you my TOP 3 FREE TIPS on how to stay on track with your goals this year, because lets face every time around the New Year people set goals and resolutions they really want to fulfill. SO because of that, I want to give you
3 FREE TIPS on how to stay on track for longer than just a few weeks 😉 SO, lets dive in.

WRITE down your goals!! This is huge my friends! You can have as many goals or resolutions that you want with this new year but if you don’t write them down you’re not going to be held as accountable AND they have a whole lot more POWER when you write them down on paper!!

FREE TIP NUMBER 2: Have daily or weekly check ins with YOURSELF!! Depending on what your goals are exactly if they are daily, weekly or monthly oriented make sure you’re checking in with yourself! For example: if your goal is to drink at least half your body weight in water everyday, then that would require you to check in with yourself EVERY DAY, OR maybe your goal is to get a massage once a month as a form of self care and something for YOU, then that would be a monthly check in. Get what I mean sister! Checking in with yourself will help hold you more accountable, so set yourself reminders or put a sticky note where you will see if every day!

FREE TIP NUMBER 3: Have some GRACE with yourself. Too many people throw their goals or resolutions out the window because they maybe don’t meet their goal once or twice and that’s OKAY SISTER! Stay with it!! If your goal is to workout 4 days a week and maybe one week you’re super busy and can only go 2 times, that is OKAY! Life does happen every once in awhile and we get busy! So stick with it, and have some Grace for YOU! Success is not always going to be a straight line, you will have times where that line may drop some BUT you will also have times where it goes way UP! SO remember that this New Year + New Decade of 2020! Have some GRACE!

Just remember babes, it is TOTALLY possible for you to Achieve your New Year Goals + Resolutions! Even if you just implement ONE of my FREE TIPS it will be so so helpful for you + your SUCCESS!!

If you’re ready to take on this NEW YEAR + NEW DECADE of 2020 with SUCCESS in your Health + Fitness, you NEED to sign up for my Health Coaching Program! You will learn how to DITCH DIETING FOR GOOD and discover a way of eating and fueling your body in a healthy + sustainable way AND how to move your body in a way that feels GOOD and a way that you look forward too! We cover so many things beyond just Health + Fitness such as: Stress, Self Love, Mindset, Habits, your Identity, Joy and so much more! It will leave you feeling Amazing and Empowered and who doesn’t want that for the NEW YEAR + NEW DECADE, so be sure to click HERE to APPLY and snag your spot in my Health Coaching Program today! 🌟

I hope you’re having a WONDERFUL NEW YEAR so far babes! Be sure to sign up for my NEWSLETTER Below 👇🏼 and FOLLOW ME on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter @blondewellness 🌸

I hope you have a w o n d e r f u l week beautiful friends!☀️

Madison ✨