My TOP 5 ways on how to take care of your body when TRAVELING



Hi babe!

I hope you’re having an awesome week so far! After traveling the past few days I have been extra mindful on taking care of your body while I was traveling AND once I get home from traveling! I feel like this can be a challenging thing for some, so today I am going to share my TOP 5 ways to take care of YOU while + after traveling! SO, let’s dive in!!✨

  1. Two words.. Food Prep - I know this can make some people kind of cringe, BUT sister let me tell you food prepping especially for while you’re actually traveling via car or plane can make a HUGE difference! Not only will the food be BETTER for you, but you will also save a little bit of money that way too! Now, I know when you travel on an airplane there are some regulations you have to follow with the food that you can bring through security and onto the plane with you, but it can be done girlfriend!

  2. Make sure you’re drinking your WATER babes! This is super important to keep the body hydrated and cleansed when traveling because you’re most likely going to be more sedentary than you normally would be, so drinking your H20 is definitely helpful for your body!

  3. Try to move you’re body somehow, someway! Now babe, I am NOT saying that you need to workout everyday you’re out of town or on vacay. No, No, No! Our bodies need REST too that’s very important, but it is also important to have a BALANCE! So just go for a walk out. Get some fresh air. It doesn’t have to be for miles and miles. It can literally be for .5 mile or 1 mile. Just that in itself will be good for your body!

  4. STRETCH! Stretch babe stretch! THIS is so important especially if you’re in the car or on a plane for HOURS! Your hip flexors especially, but also other muscles in your body will get tight from sitting for long periods of time! So definitely take the time to stretch your body in a loving way!

  5. FOAM ROLLING - this friends is AMAZING! I know some people have never heard of this before and if that is you girlfriend, definitely send me an email because I would LOVE to explain to you all the amazing benefits of FOAM ROLLING! Foam rolling basically rolls and massages out your muscles which is so so helpful for your body when you’ve been in the same position like sitting for long periods of time. It helps increase blood flow which brings healing to those areas of the body, it helps break up knots that can form in your muscle tissue! There are seriously so many amazing benefits to doing this ESPECIALLY after traveling, working out, or being sedentary for long periods of time!

So babes,doing any of these tips will help your body feel so much better when traveling! Even If you only IMPLEMENT just ONE of them while traveling OR after traveling, it can make an amazing difference on how your body can feel! ☀️

I hope all of that is helpful especially this time of year when there is a lot of traveling going on! Just remember to take care of your body, mind and soul even through those times because it is super super important! 🌟

I hope you’re having an awesome week so far and I hope that you have an AWESOME New Years Eve and New Years Day! I hope and pray that 2020 brings you amazing love, peace, light, blessings and helps you grow and bloom into the best version of you that you have ever been! ✨

Be sure to follow me on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter @blondewellness + Sign up for my NEWSLETTER below to stay in touch with ALL things health + wellness + fitness! ✨

As always be well + bloom babe! 🌸

Madison ✨

p.s. GIRLFRIEND, if you’re READY for 2020 to be AMAZING, and you’re ready to step into your best self, love your body well, feed your body well and move your body well, if that’s your girlfriend! If you’re READY to finally reach those health + fitness goals that you’ve had for so long and ditch dieting for good, once and for all! Then I invite and encourage you to invest in yourself and higher a Health + Fitness Coach! Someone who will love you every step of the way and be an encouraging and guiding hand! Take that step babe, head to my Contact Page and APPLY for my Health Coaching Program! You will be so GRATEFUL you did! Click HERE to get started!