My FAVORITE Skincare Products

Hello Babes!!

I hope you’re having a wonderful week so far! I am so excited to share this blog with you because it’s about all things skincare, my favorite products and why! Also, just want to mention this is not a paid post this is my personal opinion on products that I have been using for awhile that I TRULY believe are w o n d e r f u l !! 🤗 SO, let’s get to it!

I first want to start off by saying what you put on your skin is JUST as important as what you put in your body because our skin can absorb up to 60% of what we put on it, so therefore skincare products and the ingredients are very important!! 👏👏 So with that being said, I want to share my F A V O R I T E skincare company, Odacité.

I have been using Odacité now for a little over a year and I absolutely LOVE their products. All the ingredients are extremely clean and wonderful, and they are also filled with powerful essential oils. You don’t have to use a lot of the product when you apply it to your skin, which is a major plus! Not only that but all of their products are made in California, they don’t test on animals and EVERY product is FREE of Fillers, Parabens, Nanoparticles, Petrochemicals, PEG, Synthetic Perfumes, Dyes and Phenoxyethanol.

Can I get a #winning ✨

This company is absolutely a m a z i n g , so with that I want to share with you 4 of my favorite Odacité products!

  1. Rose + Neroli Hydra-Vitalizing Treatment Mist: This was one of the first products I ever used by Odacité, and needless to say I absolutely fell in love with it! It balances and hydrates the skin while also minimizing the appearances of pores at the same time! It adds such a beautiful glow to my skin! I love to use it in the morning and evening after I have used my cleanser, and sometimes I will even use it after I apply my makeup to help give my skin a fresh and glowy appearence!

  2. Blue Aura Cleansing Water: This is their no rinse cleanser for when you may be shorter on time to actually wash your face. This product is their Ayurvedic Anti-Pollution Formula formulated with Neem + Holy Basil + Turmeric while also having some other wonderful properties such as: Aloe Leaf Juice and Grapefruit Essential Oil. It’s purpose is to remove pollution and impurities from the skin, and I can honestly say since using it I have noticed my skin definitely appears brighter and clearer. I use it every morning and evening by just applying it to a cotton pad and sweeping it over my face!

  3. Matcha + Spirulina Green Ceremony Cleanser: This Green Cleanser is one of my absolute FAVORITE products by Odacité! I have never felt my skin so soft and clean after using any other cleanser before! The Green Ceremony Cleanser is a Powder that you add a few drops of water to before applying it to your skin. It contains Matcha, Spirulina and Aloe Vera Powder. When Odacité formulated this products they did so after the four founding principles of the Japanese tea ceremony: PURITY, RESPECT, HARMONY and TRANQUILITY. Which, I can say first hand is exactly what this product brings to my skin. I typically will use it 2-3 times a week in the evening by just pouring one scoop (with the scooper it comes with) into my hand, add a couple drops of water to the powder, rub my hands together so the water and powder can mix together, rub it on my skin washing away any impurities and/or makeup then followed by washing the cleanser off my face with clean water.

  4. Synergie[4] Immediate Skin Perfecting Beauty Masque: This Beauty Masque is absolutely wonderful babes! It is called Synergie[4] because the 4 synergies of the ingredients in the Masque is to Detox, Peel, Brighten and Firm. And I can promise you, it does exactly that! The synergie [1] Detox: happens with the Activated Charcoal + Clay in the Masque. The synergie [2] Peel: occurs because of the Papaya Enzymes + Fruit Acid in the ingredients. The synergie [3] Brighten: happens through the Vitamin C + Papaya Enzymes, and lastly the synergie [4] Firm: occurs with the Vitamin C + Probiotics in the formula. This Masque is also a powder just like the Green Ceremony Cleanser is, so before you apply it to your skin you do 1.5 tsp of powder to 1.5 tsp of water in a small bowl, mix it together and then use a brush to apply a thin layer to your skin (avoiding the eye area). Let it dry and stay on your skin for 10-15 minutes, rinse it off and Voilà you have beautiful Bright skin!

SO, babes as you can see Odacité has some pretty wonderful products! I definitely encourage you to check them out and look at all of their wonderful skin care products because they have a ton of other amazing products! Here is their website to do so! ! Believe me your skin with thank you x a million 🌟

Be sure to sign up for my NEWSLETTER below for all things health, wellness, and lifestyle ✨ and be sure to Apply for my Health Coaching Program by going to my CONTACT page and filling out the Contact Form if you’re ready to take that next step in your health + wellness journey, feel better than ever, and have ME as your coach! 🌸

I hope all of this was helpful! Drop a comment and a heart below and let me know what you think and I hope you have a wonderful week babe! ✨

Be well + bloom 💕
