Stevia, Refined Sugar, Cane Sugar, Artificial Sweeteners.. why I do not consume them

Hi Friends!

I hope you’re having a wonderful week so far! 🌟 I am SO excited to talk about a topic today that I think is so important to know about and that is.. Stevia refined/cane sugars AND Artificial Sweeteners.

Let’s face it, unfortunately in todays day and age there is sugar of some kind in just about anything.. For example why does there HAVE to be some sort of sugar in things like Marinara, Nut Butter, Fruit Juices, Apple Sauce, Salad Dressings, Bread.. I mean the list could literally go ON and ON! Which is why I am here to tell you a little bit today on why I DO NOT consume Stevia, Refined and Cane Sugar OR Artificial Sweeteners!


Years ago from about 2010-2015 I actually consumed Stevia daily mainly in my lemon water or green tea, and it wasn’t until I had heard about some research that had been done on the sweetener I decided to stop consuming it. Stevia comes from the plant Rebaudiana and is naturally sweet and has been used for many different things in Japan and South America for centuries. However; The Stevia that you see on the shelves today by many different companies such as: Truvia, SweetLeaf, ect. are EXTREMELY processed and NOT what has been used for centuries in these different countries! The Liquid and White Powder Stevia that most people consume in the US actually has very little percentage of Stevia in it because it has been SO processed, and not only that there can also be other things added into these Liquids and Powders as well which in some cases can be toxic to the liver. Not to mention the effects all of these things can have on the body are not very good. For example: Stevia can have an effect on your metabolism, it can effect your digestive system, some studies have shown that it can have an effect on your reproductive system as well. The Stevia that has been used for centuries in countries like South Africa and Japan is actually Green Leaf Stevia which is literally green and very minimally processed.

Now, back in 2015 when I discovered all of the research that was surfacing on these Stevia products I decided that I was going to eliminate it from my diet, so that’s exactly what I did. I cut it out completely, cold turkey, and let me tell you friends my body literally went through withdrawals!! YES, WITHDRAWALS from STEVIA! I noticed after not adding it to my lemon water or green tea my body was actually LESS thirsty and for the first 3-5 days my body was craving sugar or something sweet! So, if that doesn’t tell you something right there then I don’t know what does!


sugar // Refined and cane sugar:

Refined Sugar and Cane Sugar are typically extracted from from Sugar Canes or Sugar Beets. However, there are other sources such as Corn which is how Corn Syrup is made. The main difference between Refined Sugar and Cane Sugar is Refined Sugar is extremely processed which is not the best thing for the body to consume. Cane Sugar on the other hand is less processed than Refined, however consuming too much Refined Sugar OR Cane Sugar can potentially lead to things such as high blood sugar, diabetes, etc. however, one of the biggest things consuming too much Refined/Cane Sugar can do is cause Inflammation in the body, and where there is inflammation, disease and other things can thrive.

Now, I get eliminating Refined Sugars and Cane Sugar completely from your diet definitely takes dedication. I have done it for about 8 years now and you definitely have to choose to be mindful of what you’re putting in your body, so I will say it is totally possible. If you are going to continue to consume either of these Sugars, as your Health Coach I would at least encourage you to consume ORGANIC Cane Sugar because it isn’t refined or as processed and is free of the harmful chemicals that can be used on Conventional Plants which is at least a little bit better for you!


Artificial sweeteners:

Honestly, any artificial sweetener such as: Splenda, Aspartame, Sweet n’ Low, Sucralose, etc. can have many not so great effects on the body as well. Honestly some of them are very similar to the ones listed above with Stevia. One of the biggest things with artificial sweeteners is, when consumed your actually “tricking” the body because the body does not recognize it as sugar so your body will not release the hormones, enzymes, ect. to help your body process and/or breakdown whatever you are consuming which could actually do more harm than good.

So, to sum everything up as your Health Coach, I personally DO NOT consume nor do I recommend consuming Stevia, Refined Sugar, Cane Sugar or Artificial Sweeteners. I believe there are much better options for you and your body when you would like to add sweetness to a drink or recipe that are MUCH better for you! Some of these things include Coconut Palm Sugar or Honey. My favorite Brands of Coconut Palm Sugar are Navitas Organics and Madhāva Foods, they can be found in a Health Food Store such as Whole Foods or online at Vitacost which is my personal favorite place to purchase either of them. I recently posted on my Instagram about Coconut Palm Sugar and why I use it, definitely go check that out and give it a read if you have not already! All in all, feed your body REAL, WHOLESOME, CLEAN food! Your body will thank you believe me!

I hope this is helpful for you, friends! If all of this is new to you and your tired of spinning your wheels while trying to reach your health and wellness goals and figure out what the best thing is for you to create amazing results that are sustainable YOU are in the right place babe! Head over to my CONTACT PAGE and fill our the
C o n t a c t F o r m for my 1:1 Health and Wellness Coaching Program! Believe me, you will be SO Happy you did!

Also, be sure to sign up for my NEWSLETTER below and follow me on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter @blondewellness 🌸

I hope you have a wonderful week babes ✨

As always, be well + bloom! 💕
